A pioneer in secure, intelligent wireless technology, Silicon Labs has recently added a multi-Alliance panel with IoT giants like Bluetooth SIG, Connectivity Standards Alliance, Wi-SUN Alliance and Z-Wave Alliance to Works With 2021, for a better-connected world. Moderated by industry analyst Stuart Sikes, senior vice president at the global consumer insights firm, “Interpret”, the panel, “Are We There Yet? Driving the Future of IoT” will delve into the perks of wireless alliances. With the landscape evolving at an accelerated pace, the crucial task of driving technology standards within the market is well accomplished by them. The panel is scheduled to take place on 14th September 2021, from 1:45 PM to 2:45 PM CDT.
Leaders of each Alliance will confer on their roles in standard creation, depending on market trends, along with the significance of the developer’s part in driving industry requirements. Perspectives on the industry’s future and ways to drive innovation will also be shared by them.
List of Panellists:
- Ken Kolderup, Vice President, Marketing, Bluetooth SIG (a global community of over 36,000 companies serving to unify, harmonize and drive innovation in the vast range of connected devices).
- Michelle Mindala-Freeman, Marketing Head, Connectivity Standards Alliance (formerly the Zigbee Alliance; creates, maintains and delivers open global standards for IoT).
- Phil Beecher, President, Wi-SUN Alliance (brings Smart Ubiquitous Networks to service providers by enabling interoperable, multi-service and secure wireless mesh networks).
- Mitchell Klein, Executive Director, Z-Wave Alliance (dedicated to developing and advancing Z-Wave technology as an open and internationally recognized ITU standard [G.9959] for smart home and IoT solutions).
- Stuart Sikes, Senior Vice President, Interpret, (a global consumer insights firm), will serve as the moderator.
“We serve in leadership roles and work closely with each of these Alliances, which gives us first-hand knowledge to help our customers develop with the latest standards to bring new products to market,” stated Matt Johnson, President, Silicon Labs. “As the only company aligned with key wireless connectivity protocols and standards behind the smart home, smart city and IIoT solutions, our collaboration with these organizations position us as a well-rounded, impartial partner”, added Johnson.
About Works With
A single connection to all things IoT, “Works With” features an annual conference where the biggest names in the industry, including IoT decision-makers and device developers, gather to share and receive practical training and educational sessions. Participants gain fruitful insights to build, deploy and interconnect the latest smart home, smart city and industrial IoT (IIoT) technologies to stimulate market launch. Works With 2021 will be held virtually, free of cost. Register Now