Dirac Live Active Room Treatment Releases 4.5r0 Firmware for StormAudio


Dirac Live Active Room Treatment is now available for StormAudio products. The firmware release 4.5r0 is available for download on the StormAudio client portal. Dirac Live Active Room Treatment (ART) calibrates your speakers as a unified system and uses each speaker’s strengths to reduce room decay time, efficiently cancelling out lingering bass and leading to unmatched clarity.

Product Features are as Follows:

An All-Encompassing Solution For All Your Audio Needs
The beauty of Dirac Live ART lies in its ability to do more with less. With it, you can manage your room’s bass like never before, all without the need for extra subwoofers. However, when multiple subwoofers are in play, expect the system to make magic, delivering an immersive and balanced sound field. Moreover, it defies conventional wisdom by extending its support even to two-speaker setups, offering reciprocal support for exceptional sound performance. The best part? You don’t necessarily need a subwoofer if your speakers are capable, making Dirac Live ART an all-encompassing solution for all your audio needs.

Rediscover True Sound
Dirac Live Active Room Treatment revolutionizes your listening experience by reducing bass lingering and creating a more even, defined, and tighter bass profile, thus transforming your room’s audio atmosphere. Furthermore, it significantly reduces reverb decay time, so sounds fade faster for a cleaner, crisper audio reproduction. By effectively reducing resonances, it prevents distortions when frequencies overlap, ensuring a sound truer to the artist’s intent.

Listening Experience Beyond Limits
Dirac Live ART virtually removes the walls of your room and creates a larger and more uniform sweet spot for optimal listening. It provides an auditory experience as it should be – tighter, more even bass combined with a stable and deeper soundstage, encapsulating the true essence of sound. Best of all, there is no need for bulky passive treatments up to 150Hz to achieve this. Overall, it offers an efficient solution that perfectly blends technology and convenience.

The Brand Provides the Following Tools:

Dirac Live ART quick tutorial
The ART process is described in a short tutorial video that will guide you through the complete Dirac Live process, focusing on ART. The upgrade will maintain your existing configurations and audio profiles, including those adjusted with Dirac Live Room Correction or Bass Control. If sufficient measurements were previously taken, they can be used to activate Dirac ART quickly. This is important to make sure you apply ART to your system correctly.

Dirac Live ART Knowledge Center
To help you use this new tool, a specific section dedicated to Dirac Live ART, has been created on our StormAudio Knowledge Center. This section will evolve over time to reply to the most common questions raised by the users. From basic starting advice to advanced set-up tips, you will find there everything you need to know to make the best of Dirac Live ART.

For More Informationwww.stormaudio.com

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