
Eve to launch First Matter-Enabled Devices in April

Having been a pioneer of both the Matter and Thread standards, Eve Systems has now officially begun to roll out its first out-of-the-box Matter-enabled...

Resideo L1 Wi-Fi Water Leak and Freeze Detector for Remote Sensing

Resideo recently upgraded its range of Smart Home Solutions to include the L1 Wi-Fi Water Leak and Freeze Detector, adding to its water network...
CES 2023

CES 2023 Showcased High-Tech Trendsetting Products

Smart Home World gives you an overview of CES 2023 and the latest products launched in the smart home technology segment and more… The recently...

In Conversation with Koen Dekyvere, Export Manager, Basalte

In Conversation with Smart Home World, Koen Dekyvere, Export Manager, Basalte discusses the growth and expansion strategies of Basalte, their focus on creating an...

Hikvision India Launches the Eco IP Video Door Phone Series to...

Hikvision India, a leading provider of innovative security solutions, has announced the launch of its Eco IP Video Door Phone (VDP) DS KIS302 P...

Interra has just announced IoT Edge Server for KNX

Interra Technology has announced the new node-based iNode Logic Server which is an IoT Edge Server working on KNX TP and TCP/IP with other...
Ikea Launches Vindstyrka – A Smart Sensor To Measure Indoor Air Quality

Ikea Launches Vindstyrka – A Smart Sensor To Measure Indoor Air...

Clean indoor air is essential to our wellbeing, and one of the first steps to better air is increased awareness of indoor pollutants. The...
CEDIA Announces 2023 CEDIA Smart Home Awards

CEDIA Announces 2023 CEDIA Smart Home Awards

CEDIA, the global membership association for the home technology industry, has announced the opening of the 2023 CEDIA Smart Home Awards (formerly, CEDIA Awards). The...

Faradite Launches Motion Sensor 360 – KNX in India with Jam-Packed...

Faradite, the UK-based manufacturer of smart home devices, has launched their latest product, the Motion Sensor 360 - KNX, to the Indian market. The...

Latest Innovations In Smart Shades And Blinds

Architects and Interior designers often find themselves in a situation, where their clients ask them, why they should opt for Smart Automated Shades and...
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